
Sponge stands strong on two pillars; Our directors Mr Mukesh Jain and Mr Umesh Jain have been excelling to provide quality grains of rice since 2008.

In this significant number of years, they have well-established professional teams, segregated into departments - namely, export team, import team, accounts department and many more. The skilled manpower uses utmost dedication and completes each task with sheer hard work.

As for our directors, their professional journey has been driven by a passion for achieving excellence and making a positive impact through this company. We firmly believe in the power of true leadership and motivation that leads to building high-performing teams.

When it comes to acting on responsibilities, they have showcased a strong commitment to corporate governance. Upholding integrity, transparency, and accountability are of utmost importance to them.

They strive to build trust and strong relationships with stakeholders, ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of the organisation. With unmatched leadership skills, they are committed to delivering exceptional results, on-time, without compromising quality, while nurturing talent, and driving towards sustainable growth.